On July 17 to 21, 2016 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s Annual International Meeting (ASABE) was held at Orlando, Florida in the United States. Associate professor Li Qinglin and associate researcher Dong Xiaoya attended the meeting.
ASABE is an educational and scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological system. ASABE is comprised of nearly 8,250 members representing more than 100 countries.
More than 1600 Scholars from United States, Canada, France, China and other countries attended the meeting in 2016. Scientists introduced their latest research work by oral presentation or poster. The teachers communicated with the scientists in areas in which they are interested. Presentation entitled “Microstructure and Ultrastructure in Plant Leaves of Cucumber as Influenced by Phosphorus ”and“A novel photoelectrochemical biosensor for measuring the droplets deposition”were given by Li and Dong respectively.