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For PG students: 2021-2022 Fall Semester Chinese 1 ,Chinese 2 ,Overview Of China, Mathematical Statistics ,Mathematical Model,Numerical Analysis ,高级汉语1,数理统计,数值分析 Final Exam Arrangement
Date:2021-12-03   View:

Note : J-Jinjiang Building (New OEC)

The specific requirements of the online examination are as follows:

1. There must be two devices for this online exam. One computer, one mobile phone, one iPad, one mobile phone, or two electronic devices. The computer (or iPad) will be used for answering the exam questions, and the mobile phone will be used for video invigilation. The equipment used for video invigilation (e.g. phone) must be positioned to capture the student’s hands, and the equipment (e.g. laptop) is used to answer the exam questions.

2. Ensure to have two hours of continuous electric power and network connectivity in your area.


1. Please refer to the attachment for your name and venue.

2. The course teacher will share more detailed instructions of the online exam in respective course WeChat groups.

3. For Chinese 1, Chinese 2 ,Overview of China courses Class divisions are made at the bottom of the excel sheet

3. Students need to take their ID cards for the venue. Students will not be allowed to participate in the exam without their ID card at their own risk.

4. Students who have been absent more than three times will not be allowed to participate in the exam.

5. There is no makeup exam for postgraduate students. Students who have failed the exam need to submit the relearn form at the start of next semester( 1st week ) and apply for relearn.

6. Cheating will be considered a severe offence and expelled from the university.

7. QR Codes for Overview of China MasterOnline Exam halls will be shared by course teachers in course groups later.

8. Students have to enter the online examination room and venue at least 20 minutes before the exam. Students need to submit the answer sheets within the prescribed time. If students can't, the exam will be considered invalid at their own risk.










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